
Captivated by the beauty of the seaweed, algae and kelp washing up on the beach, and the variety of shapes they created with their leaf-like and bead-like strands I aspired to capture this variety and diversity in my illustrations for my Sea Garden design.   This collection...

Taking the detailed illustrations of my Drifting design and magnifying it into a bold and graphic texture.   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles, blinds and cushions from: Sparkk - Australia & USA -   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles...

Driftwood is one of my favourite things to collect when walking along a beach. I enjoy the way the sea and sand have smoothed the surface of the wood whilst the salt and sun has hardened into a beautiful petrified sculpture. The intricate details left...

The Murex or sea snail is one of the most beautiful showy shells, their elongate shells highly sculptured with spines or fronds are a masterpiece in texture. I endeavoured to capture this with my illustrative design style.   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles,...

Taking the Coral Medal design illustrations and weaving it into a bolder and more striking design led to the Coral Medal Weave.   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles, blinds and cushions from: Sparkk - Australia & USA -   This collection is available in commercial...

My inspiration for the Coral Medal design was the intricate coral skeletal texture of the Disc Coral or Fungia fungites. I discovered one of these beauties on a walk along a quiet beach on the island of Aore in the South Pacific and was compelled...

Inspired by the details captured in my design of the Sea Beads and amplifying the illustrations resulting in a strikingly bolder design.   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles, blinds and cushions from: Sparkk - Australia & USA -   This collection is available in commercial...

Inspired my Neptunes' necklace or sea grapes, these Australian native algae have such a beautiful definite shape with their spherical beads along tapering strings moving gently with the flow of the wave as it washes up on the shore.   This collection is available in commercial and...

Create a point of difference in your interiors by adding a designer blind with my The Chief's Daughter design. This intricate design is full of details and overlapping stories that depict the protective embracing of the chief’s daughter. All the blinds are manufactured in Australia. Visit Blinds in...

Hakone is a Japanese Forest Grass featuring a beautifully long grass blade that cascade down and creates a woven texture that I wanted to emulate in my Hakone design.   This collection is available in commercial and residential wallpaper & textiles, blinds and cushions from: Sparkk - Australia & USA -   This...